Mercy Ministries Graduates Give Back

Mercy Ministries

Mercy Ministries

From July 24th until August 4th 2011, over a dozen Mercy Ministries graduates had the chance to visit one of the poorest regions of Africa to help build classrooms for the Watoto Ministries. According to Mercy Ministries, Watoto is a Christian-based organization that rescues children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to the Sub-Saharan AIDS epidemic. The organization’s motto is “Rescue, Raise, Rebuild,” and that is exactly what they do in His name.

Mercy Ministries: Days 1-6

Arriving in Kampala, the Mercy Ministries graduates were greeted with enthusiasm by their hosts and allowed to rest after a long and tedious journey. Soon, the Mercy Ministries girls found themselves headfirst in a massive building project, one they had eagerly awaited for two years. The girls’ objective: build four classrooms from the ground up for the children of Watoto.

By the fourth day of their journey, the Mercy Ministries volunteers were busy laying brick for the buildings. In the tiny Suubi village, where the girls spent their fifth day, several older students from a neighboring Watoto village arrived to work alongside of them. The Mercy Ministries girls were amazed at the courage and perseverance of spirit that Jesus Christ has given these students, who grew up in Watoto and are now ready to begin college.

Thanks to the help of the Watoto teens, the Mercy Ministries girls were well ahead of schedule by the final day of building. The Mercy Ministries girls decided to take turns working to allow each to get to know the campus as well as the students and teachers who would soon fill the walls they had just built. The Mercy Ministries girls enjoyed lunch and shared their stories with their host, Melvin, who praised God for their uplifting presence there.

Mercy Ministries: Days 7-8

Day seven is described by some of the missionaries as the hardest day in Africa. The Mercy Ministries girls had the opportunity to spend several hours at the Baby Watoto facility and bond with the precious babies, many of whom were left for dead in garbage heaps but who now herald a sense of hope to this impoverished country.

On day 8, the Mercy Ministries girls were invited back to the Suubi village for the classroom dedication. This was a powerful experience for the Mercy Ministries girls. As they prayed that God would bless the walls they had built, they realized that they had not built these classrooms, God did. It was God who brought them there and God who would fill the rooms with His love and teach the students new vocations in His name to carry on their culture.

Mercy Ministries: Final Days

Their last few days in Uganda, the Mercy Ministries girls spent time marveling at the beautiful land that God created; a land that most Americans will never have the opportunity to visit. The Mercy Ministries girls enjoyed white water rafting and a safari as well as spending more one on one time with their hosts and the children and mothers at Watoto. The experience not only brought new classrooms and hope to the villagers, but also a new sense of appreciation of what God is capable of to the Mercy Ministries girls.

Mercy Ministries is a non-profit, Christian program for troubled young women who are taught that God loves them and wants them to heal. Mercy donates 10% if every dollar they intake to other causes and has been a faithful benefactor for Watoto for many years. Mercy Ministries and President and Founder Nancy Alcorn look forward to what God has in store for the future leaders of Africa as well as the Mercy Ministries graduates. For more information about Mercy Ministries go online to