Author: Mercy Ministries

Mercy Ministries is a faith-based program committed to helping young women from all walks of life deal with issues ranging from physical and sexual abuse to eating disorders and unplanned pregnancy. As well, Mercy Ministries assists women with substance abuse issues and eating disorders. By utilizing holistic methods and professional therapy in a safe and controlled setting, Mercy Ministries has proven effective at helping these women deal with their issues since 1983. Services are offered free of charge to young women 13-28 at four different locations in the United States.

Mercy Ministries Graduates Give Back

From July 24th until August 4th 2011, over a dozen Mercy Ministries graduates had the chance to visit one of the poorest regions of Africa to help build classrooms for the Watoto Ministries. According to Mercy Ministries, Watoto is a Christian-based organization that rescues children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to the Sub-Saharan […]