Richard Siskey Explains the Winning Principles of Management

Richard Siskey

Richard Siskey

Entrepreneur and angel investor Richard Siskey has created, financed and sold his fair share of businesses over the past thirty years. And while he was doing that he has distilled down some solid business principles that have guided many of his business decisions.

Richard Siskey believes that it’s crucial to be an objective sounding board to the people who work for him. When you are managing a team, says Richard Siskey, it’s important to respect the people who are on the proverbial front lines. A winning entrepreneur is one who listens to their team.

To learn more about Richard Siskey’s winning principles of management, visit • Great ideas alone don’t guarantee success; it requires great management as well.

  • It’s essential to maintain market perception and anticipation
  • Play to your strengths and delegate the rest – don’t take on more than you can handle.

Richard Siskey also knows that tenacity is all-important when running a business. There will always be adversity, acknowledges Siskey, but the trick is to work through it.