Peter Spittler Architectural Services – Aesthetics and Sustainability in Architecture

Peter Spittler Architectural Services

Peter Spittler Architectural Services

According to Peter Spittler Architectural Services, classical architectural designs are often lauded as masterpieces that show ingenuity and talent that has been lost in modern times. But in reality, even though the demands of the modern world have changed, many of those designs are still possible, affirms the team at Peter Spittler Architectural Services. Not only do the clients of Peter Spittler Architectural Services expect buildings to incorporate a stunning architectural design, they also want functionality, sustainability and value.

As the team at Peter Spittler Architectural Services knows, sustainability presents many unique challenges to the construction process. Not only must buildings be designed with less emphasis on traditional technologies and construction principles, they must be designed in a way that reduces energy use while at the same time minimizing its impact on the environment. Peter Spittler Architectural Services recognizes that this trend is actually a paradigm shift in construction, as it’s becoming clear that more and more families and businesses prefer buildings that exist harmoniously with nature rather than against it.

However, says Peter Spittler Architectural Services, sustainable buildings often must be constructed in such a way that traditional architectural designs might be extremely challenging. Peter Spittler Architectural Services recognizes that this may lead to sacrifices in the design of buildings—and many of those sacrifices are in the aesthetics. For example, one of the key features commonly associated with sustainability is a solar roof panel. The rooflines of modern buildings designed by companies like Peter Spittler Architectural Services are often what give a building its most prominent design features, but when solar panels are requested, the design of the roof must be changed to accommodate them.

According to Peter Spittler Architectural Services, windows are another factor to consider. For truly sustainable buildings, windows must be placed in positions that most efficiently heat and cool a building, rather than positions that may be the most aesthetically pleasing as well as operable to facilitate natural ventilation

Despite these challenges, the team at Peter Spittler Architectural Services affirms that true architectural mastery lies in combining these three elements—form, function, and sustainability. Architectural firms like Peter Spittler Architectural Services know that the definition of beauty, especially in architecture, is constantly evolving. A few centuries ago, architectural beauty was defined by buildings with highly intricate designs and spiritual motifs. In the mid part of the 20th century, it was defined by minimalist buildings that were influenced by military might and stoicism.

Today, Peter Spittler Architectural Services reports that architectural beauty is shifting towards buildings that are kinder to the environment and that enhances, rather than detracts from, the surrounding area. Peter Spittler and the team at Peter Spittler Architectural Services welcome these changes and believe that architectural beauty and sustainability for generations to come aren’t opposing concepts. It’s the goal of Peter Spittler Architectural Services to help prove that concept to be true through their award-winning designs.

Peter Spittler of Peter Spittler Architectural Services is an award-winning architect whose design firm located in Cleveland/Akron Ohio area.