Guy Riordan Discusses Hunter Safety

Guy Riordan

Guy Riordan

“I love the outdoors. I love to hunt and fish. Yet, there are some very real dangers,” acknowledges Guy Riordan. The outdoor enthusiast and former game preserve owner understands the importance of hunter safety training. Riordan believes that lessons learned in hunter safety are universal, whether someone is hunting in the woods or practicing on a firing range.

“The most important lesson in hunter safety is to always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction,” notes Guy Riordan.  Although the idea of not pointing a loaded weapon toward people or property should be obvious, Guy Riordan realizes that it’s not something everyone thinks about.

The other crucial principle to remember is to never rely on a weapon’s “safety.” Guy Riordan warns that the safety may actually be off, when someone thinks that it’s on. “Never, ever, touch the trigger of a gun until you are ready to shoot,” elaborates Guy Riordan. Also, outside forces could cause the weapon to discharge – such as a sudden blow or a jar. So, cautions Riordan, don’t rely on the safety, and don’t forget to “refer to lesson one.”