Author: Missed Fortune

Missed Fortune is a wealth preservation and asset optimization system created by consumer advocate and retirement and wealth planning expert Douglas Andrew. Andrew has developed a detailed and comprehensive action plan that allows future retirees of all ages establish a positive net income stream. By teaching the principal of arbitrage, Missed Fortune explains how individuals can operate just like banks and wealthy corporations.

Missed Fortune Discusses the Three Biggest Dangers to Retirees

Missed Fortune founder Doug Andrew has coached many clients to successful retirement through the Missed Fortune workshops and videos. In this brief article, he outlines three major things most Americans are facing in today’s economy: Taxes—Most Americans are dealing with concerns about their current taxes, but they’re especially concerned about their future taxes. Inflation—With the rate at which our country is spending money, Missed Fortune is getting many questions from individuals about what will happen with inflation in the coming years. Market uncertainty—It’s been a long time since we’ve seen this level of volatility in the market, says the Missed Fortune founder, with the market diving and then rebounding, often netting no growth.