Author: FXDD

FXDD is a leader in online currency trading and investor education. Founded in 2002, FXDD is dedicated to providing superior customer service to individual and institutional traders. FXDD is headquartered in New York City’s World Trade Center. FXDD Europe is the firm’s global operation, which is located in Malta. Additionally, the firm is active in the Middle Eastern market through FXDD Arabic. FXDD provides services to individual and institutional traders, hedge funds, commercial entities, brokerage firms and money managers around the world.


FXDD, a leader in online Forex trading and education, offers eight trading platforms to retail traders who trade foreign currencies. These eight platforms, as profiled by FXDD below, include Swordfish, MTXtreme, Mirror Trader & MetaTrader 4, Power Trader, Viking Trader, J Forex and ZuluTrader. Each platform is unique so FXDD notes that traders should do their research about each platform’s features and take advantage of testing them by setting up demo FXDD accounts.