United Faith Church in Barnegat Q&A on Remaining Pure

United Faith ChurchDrugs, Pre-marital Sex, Violence: Why would a young person desire to remain pure in today’s culture? United Faith Church tackles the tough questions about how to live in purity.

United Faith Church of Barnegat, NJ is a non-denominational, Bible-believing church established in 2006.  United Faith Church exists to share the love of the Father to all people in the Barnegat community and surrounding areas. United Faith Church is counter-cultural in its belief that it is possible for a young person to remain pure amidst the pressures and influences of today’s society. Here, United Faith Church answers a few questions about purity.

Community Blog: What does United Faith Church believe and teach regarding purity?

United Faith Church: According to biblical standards, to be pure is to be innocent, free of guilt or shame, undivided in loyalty to God and untainted not just in the physical realm, but also in the mind and soul.  At United Faith Church, young people are taught the importance of remaining pure in all aspects of their lives. This of course includes the physical acts of keeping oneself pure, such as abstaining from sexual immorality and refraining from substance abuse, but it also means not engaging in thoughts and ideas that war against one’s soul. Psalm 119:9 says, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.” This biblical principle is embraced by United Faith Church to edify the youth, nurturing them through the Word of God, and enabling them to stand firm, unwavering in a world where they are faced with temptations at every turn. United Faith Church firmly believes in the power of the Word of God to cleanse all who live by it, enabling them to lead a blameless and pure life.

Community Blog: Can you describe the benefits of living a pure life for Jesus Christ?      

United Faith Church: At United Faith Church, the youth have dedicated themselves to living pure lives, following the Word of God. This dedication has sparked a revival of young people who are experiencing intimate relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ. By remaining pure, these young Christians at United Faith Church are able to hear the voice of the Lord, so that in every endeavor they make, God will be able to lead them into success. United Faith Church in Barnegat believes that as young people live in purity, the way is made for the love of God to dwell in their hearts, thus enabling them to love fully and to confidently seek meaningful relationships in their lives.  Above all, by living purely, the youth of United Faith Church are empowered to fulfill the calling that God has for their lives, as they eagerly look forward to the day when they will hear “Well done, my good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:23)!

Community Blog: In a world that is inundated with a culture of pre-marital sex, why would a young person desire to remain abstinent?

United Faith Church: In today’s culture, it seems that everywhere a young person turns, whether its television, radio or internet, they face the lustful temptations of this world. When people succumb to these temptations, it inevitably leads them down a path of regret, heartbreak and brokenness. United Faith Church encourages its young people to set their eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ. When young people come to know Christ, they are able to experience the full restoration of their hearts and souls that only the Lord can bring.

United Faith Church believes that a person whose heart has been restored is able to clearly see  God’s plan and promises for their life. This gives the young person confidence to trust the Lord for his/her future.  When the youth of United Faith Church set their eyes on Jesus, they are able to see, that only the Lord can gratify the desires of their heart.

Anyone who truly believes that only the Lord can satisfy will desire to keep his/her body pure, believing that the body is a sacred temple belonging to the Lord. In doing so, the young person is also preparing for his/her future spouse, knowing that the unity of their godly marriage will reflect the perfect and pure marriage between Christ and His church, as was purposed since the beginning of time.

Community Blog: What would the leadership of United Faith Church say to a young person who is trying to uphold Godly values while being surrounded by peer pressure?

United Faith Church: Today’s youth encounter many struggles on a daily basis with their friends in their schools and at their jobs. In this day and age, the media glorifies sex, drugs, alcohol and violence, and as time passes, the people engaging in these activities are younger and younger, all seeking to find some kind of fulfillment in their lives. United Faith Church in Barnegat teaches young people that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only One who will truly give the fulfillment they seek—all other avenues are only temporary and, in the end, will pass away.

United Faith Church edifies young people through the Word of God, so that through Christ they can live blameless lives, showing the world that it is possible for a young person to remain pure. United Faith Church believes that it is not through laws and religion that purity is found, but through the freedom attained through knowing the Lord Jesus Christ.

Community Blog: How does United Faith Church address the matter of dating?

United Faith Church: In today’s culture, youth are encouraged to exclude God in their search of finding a mate. This process often results in heartbreak and sets the young person on a destructive search for love in all of the wrong places. United Faith Church encourages the youth to “not arouse or awaken love until it so desires,” (Song of Songs 2:7).  This means that love and intimacy should be taken seriously, and as God has always intended, it should be with one person.

The young people of United Faith Church in Barnegat are taught that their worth is in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they are precious to their Heavenly Father, and that He has His best in store for them. United Faith Church believes that in order for a man and a woman to have a Godly relationship, they must first have solid relationships with God. When the love of God is firmly established in them, then they will be able to truly love one another as God intended. United Faith Church inspires young people to wait upon the Lord for His will and timing in their lives, knowing that God’s plan for them is perfect.

For more information about United Faith Church in Barnegat, visit unitedfaithchurch.org.