Steven Delarge Talks About Tour de Cure

Steven Delarge

Steven Delarge

New York State-based executive Steven Delarge believes in supporting a good cause. Not only does get him involved as a vital part of the community, Steven Delarge feels that those who give back receive far more than they give. Today, Steven Delarge tells Community Blog Online about a cause that’s especially important to him, Tour de Cure.

Community Blog Online: How did you find out about Tour de Cure?

Steven Delarge: I was looking for a way to get my employees involved in the community when I heard about this event in Saratoga Springs that combines fun and support for a great cause.

Community Blog Online: Please tell us more.

Steven Delarge: Tour de Cure is a cycling event, with proceeds going to support diabetes.

Community Blog Online: Is this like a walk for the cure, where walkers have friends pledge money per mile walked?

Steven Delarge: Each participant has a minimum fundraising goal to meet. It’s a very reachable goal and the good news is that the American Diabetes Association gives participants a personal page that is easily sharable with friends and family.

Community Blog Online: Is this a local event, held only in Saratoga Springs?

Steven Delarge: Tour de Force is currently in 44 states. Saratoga Springs is the closest to Albany, but anyone who is interested can likely find an event nearby. People travel from hours away to participate in the Saratoga Springs Tour de Force.

Community Blog Online: Does someone have to be a skilled cyclist to participate?

Steven Delarge: Not at all. There are actually separate courses available for those who only want to go five miles. For people who prefer a longer ride, a 100-mile course is available.

Community Blog Online: Tell us a little about the Red Riders.

Steven Delarge: Red Riders are participants; designated by the red shirts they wear to announce they suffer from type 1 or type 2 diabetes. On the day of any Tour de Cure event, Red Riders are celebrated as heroes.

Community Blog Online: If someone suffers from diabetes and is interested in participating, how does that person qualify as a Red Rider?

Steven Delarge: A Red Rider signs up like everyone else and raises the minimum. But to become a Red Rider, a participant must answer a few basic diabetes-related questions and let the local coordinator know.

Community Blog Online: How does the Red Rider get that red T-shirt?

Steven Delarge: On the day of the event, a Red Rider will receive some free recognition gifts, including the red T-shirt.

Community Blog Online: Thank you for talking to us today. If you’re interested in participating in the Tour de Force event Steven Delarge spoke about today, visit Tour de Cure’s website at