Spider Exterminator Answers Questions About Natural Spider Control

Alder Pest ControlVery few of us enjoy the sight of spiders. But, no matter where you live, spiders are simply a part of nature, and they are important to our environment. This doesn’t mean that we have to be content to offer them food and shelter in our homes.

We recently sat down with a spider exterminator from Arkansas-based Alder Pest Control to ask if it was possible to eliminate spiders from our homes. Here’s what they had to say.

Q: What’s the best way to rid of spiders?

Alder Pest Control: There are many natural spider control methods, but arguably the most important is to keep the interior and exterior of your house clean. Spiders are naturally drawn to areas where they have plenty of food, and spiders eat other bugs. If your home is full of clutter or is not routinely cleaned after dinner, then you are attracting the types of food that spiders seek out. To keep ants, roaches, and other insects out of your home, clear the clutter, especially from the garage, attic, and basements. You also have to make exterior home maintenance a priority. Keep bushes trimmed at least 12 inches away from your house, and don’t let limbs from fallen trees, disassembled playsets, or firewood pile up against your home.

Q: How does the condition of my home affect the number of spiders living in my space?

Alder Pest Control: One of the first things that a spider exterminator will look for is how well-maintained the perimeter of your home is. They will take a look at your windows, doors, and exterior faucets to see if everything is properly sealed. Cracks and crevices from missing mortar or areas where caulk has been stripped from the windows are openings for bugs and spiders. 

Q: Do outdoor lights attract spiders?

Alder Pest Control: No, but the bugs fluttering around the lights do. If possible, keep your exterior lights turned off as much as possible. A quick way to do this is to utilize motion-activated lights instead of just leaving your porch or floodlights on throughout the night.

Q: Why do spider exterminators leave glue traps on the floor?

Alder Pest Control: If you ask virtually any spider exterminator, they will tell you that glue traps are an effective way to trap spiders. We leave them in areas that spiders tend to frequent, like closets, basements, and attics. Spider traps are easy to clean up, and they are inexpensive enough that you can replace them on your own without taxing your budget.

Q: What’s the best chemical-free spider control method?

Alder Pest Control: Controlling spiders is not a simple job. If you have an infestation, a spider exterminator is your greatest ally in keeping your home spider-free. But, for daily control, you might try spraying citrus or tea tree oil around your baseboards. Peppermint oil may also work. Be cautious no matter what you spray since even natural essential oils can cause skin and eye irritation.

Alder Pest Control serves clients in northwest Arkansas and takes pride in providing top-notch service and unparalleled control of everything from mosquitoes and ticks to rodents and, of course, spiders.