Dave Ramsey supports Nancy Alcorn and Mercy Ministries

Nancy Alcorn

Nancy Alcorn

Nancy Alcorn and Dave Ramsey have known and supported each other for many years.  And one of the things that cements their friendship, says Nancy Alcorn, is the joy of teaching people to find release from the issues that can enslave them. People can find themselves mired in financial indebtedness, and they can also find themselves tied to other negative issues in their lives as well.

Dave Ramsey and his wife, Sharon, have graciously donated their wisdom and assets to residents of Mercy Ministries, reports Nancy Alcorn. She says that Mercy residents learn important financial tools like balancing a checkbook, making a budget and saving money along with the spirit of giving. Nancy Alcorn believes that living without debt is essential and is grateful for the practical support that the Ramseys have offered to the young woman of Mercy.