Improve Your Tech IQ: What Is Single Sign-On and Why Is It Important?

ImageQuestSingle Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that gives users access to multiple applications after a one-time login. A well-known example of an SSO is when you sign in to your Google account – this allows you to access your Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, and other applications. In terms of cybersecurity, SSO benefits organizations in different ways.

SSO improves enterprise security

Log in credentials are the main targets of cybercriminals. SSO reduces the risk of cyberattacks since users log in only once each day with just a single username and password. When employees log in repeatedly for different apps, they usually use the same or similar passwords across multiple accounts, making it easier for hackers to penetrate IT networks.

SSO also helps meet regulatory compliance requirements; it shows that an organization has data protection policies in place. SSO also facilitates compliance with regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), designed to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information.

SSO improves employee productivity

Using different logins – combined with multi-factor authentication – to access various applications can slow down any user. With employees switching between multiple apps several times, eliminating multiple logins can boost productivity and reduce the friction inherent in logging in. 

SSO reduces IT costs

It’s best to deploy SSO with multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security. MFA uses different factors, such as a personal identification number, fingerprint, or a one-time password, to verify a person’s identity and grant access to applications and data.

ImageQuest works with Bowling Green, KY organizations to strengthen their cybersecurity strategy, guarding critical systems and data against disruptive cyber threats. ImageQuest’s solutions can indeed protect rapid-growth, high-target organizations and their assets with risk and vulnerability assessment capabilities.

ImageQuest is the top cybersecurity service provider in Bowling Green, KY, and supports more than 5,000 technology users in 29 states. Visit their website or call 502-400-3300 to learn more.