How Can Prenatal Chiropractic Impact Pregnancy?

Grabouski ChiropracticThe pregnant body changes every single day. From loosened joints and ligaments to swelling, women notice subtleties just about every time they move. This is to be expected, and these changes are an excellent sign that the pregnancy is developing and the baby is growing. However, not all changes are comfortable. We recently sat down with Dr. Justin Grabouski, a chiropractor based out of Overland Park, about how chiropractic can have a positive effect on pregnancy.

Q: What is the main benefit of finding a chiropractor for pregnancy?

Grabouski Chiropractic: Pain relief, hands down. One of the most prevalent complaints we hear from pregnant women is back pain and sciatica. This is especially true during the last trimester. As the baby gets bigger, they can exert pressure on a mother’s spine, which can throw a woman’s balance and posture completely off. Chiropractic care relieves pain and discomfort by helping to correct these posture problems.

Q: How can chiropractic adjustments assist with the birthing process?

Grabouski Chiropractic: Prenatal adjustments dramatically improve pelvic balance. In fact, chiropractic care has an 82% success rate in relieving intrauterine constraint triggered by musculoskeletal misalignment. In other words: a chiropractor for pregnancy can help you avoid a breech birth by ensuring the body is aligned and functioning as it should. This helps make pregnancy and delivery more comfortable for both mom and baby.

Q: Does chiropractic care assist with inflammation and overall physical discomfort?

Grabouski Chiropractic: Absolutely. Our prenatal patients report better posture, reduced inflammation, and overall greater satisfaction with their pain and discomfort levels throughout their pregnancy. Another important benefit of chiropractic for pregnant women is that it can help to reduce nausea. Around 70% of all women experience morning sickness at some point during pregnancy. Chiropractic adjustments can help balance the hormones by triggering improvements from within the nervous system.

Q: How frequently should women see a chiropractor during pregnancy?

Grabouski Chiropractic: We recommend getting adjusted once a month during your first trimester and then every two to three weeks until you hit the last month of your pregnancy, when you may schedule weekly visits until delivery. We provide a bolster to make adjustments more comfortable as your pregnancy progresses. Dr. Grabouski can also perform a seated adjustment, if needed.

Q: How soon after birth can a postnatal mother receive chiropractic care?

Grabouski Chiropractic: Barring any unforeseen complications of birth, there’s no reason that a woman can’t receive a chiropractic adjustment shortly after. Most new mothers schedule their adjustment at the same time as their baby’s first adjustment. It’s so important to be adjusted during pregnancy, postnatal chiropractic (aka the fourth trimester), and routine adjustments. 

According to Dr. Grabouski, chiropractic care is safe and gentle, and it’s one of the least invasive things a pregnant woman can do to care for her body as her body works hard to care for her baby.

Grabouski Chiropractic is a chiropractor for pregnancy located in Overland Park, Kansas. We offer walk-in and same-day appointments, and our results-driven care is gentle, focused, and noninvasive.