Ellerslie Training Challenges Students to Grow Closer to Jesus Christ

Ellerslie TrainingFounded by pastor Eric Ludy, Ellerslie Training allows Christians to come together and explore the Scriptures in new and profound ways. In this interview with Community Blog Online, a representative from Ellerslie Training explains why this ground-breaking Bible school transcends trends and presents a curriculum that resonates with a wide audience.

Community Blog Online: We’ve been looking forward to this call. Hello!

Ellerslie Training: Thank you. It’s wonderful to have this time with you.

Community Blog Online: Could you briefly describe Ellerslie Training and its chief focus?

Ellerslie Training: Ellerslie Training is a unique operation.  We are sort of a hybrid between a Bible college and a missionary training program.  But, our central focus is simply the Person of Jesus Christ.  Ellerslie Training is merely an environment specifically built to offer a set-apart season for Christians desirous to leave the busyness of life behind for a while and focus entirely upon a pursuit of their Creator.

Community Blog Online: In terms of today’s Bible schools, where does Ellerslie Training stack up?

Ellerslie Training: We feel that we offer something that hardly, if any, other Biblical training programs offer.  And that is a training that is not denominationally-directed.  We have every conceivable conservative denominational perspective represented in our student body.  If you believe the Word of God is in fact the Word of God and that Jesus Christ is God and is the central theme of all Scripture – then this is an environment you will love.  In the Ellerslie Training program, every message is about Jesus – and His preeminence is pronounced loud and long.  

Community Blog Online: How does Ellerslie Training approach the training process?

Ellerslie Training: Our approach is to lay foundations first.  And the integrity and authority of Scripture is most basic foundation that we lay.  Everything we teach layers on top of this foundation.

Community Blog Online: So, if Jesus is your entire focus, where does He fit in?  

Ellerslie Training: The integrity and authority of Jesus Christ is only understood when you first understand the integrity and authority of Scripture.  It’s often said during our Ellerslie Training program – how you treat the Word of God in text is how you truly are treating the Word of God in Person, Jesus Christ.  So, this foundation on Scripture is necessary to truly behold the beauty, majesty, purity, power, and authority of Jesus Christ.

Community Blog Online: What’s the most prominent religious denomination among members of your school?

Ellerslie Training: That’s impossible to answer.  We are a true melting pot of Biblical conservatism.  It’s much easier to discuss what type of students we don’t attract. We generally do not attract students who don’t hold a high opinion of the Scriptures. The post-modern, liberal sort tend to gravitate far away from us.

Community Blog Online: So the student body is quite eclectic?

Ellerslie Training: Absolutely. In fact, that is what makes the Ellerslie Training program so much fun and so incredible.  Most people wouldn’t believe that so many different Christian heritages, doctrinal vantage points, and denominational leanings could all work together with precision and definition.  But, that is what happens here in Windsor, Colorado.

Community Blog Online: So, what’s the secret for pulling this off?

Ellerslie Training: Conservative Christians often can be defined by what they are against rather than what they are for.  In the Ellerslie Training program, we start by clarifying what we are for, and we refuse to allow petty, peripheral arguments to have a place in our training.  We are “for” something very specific at Ellerslie and that is “Jesus and Him Crucified.”  When you define a north star and everyone fixes their compasses to the same thing – you truly can walk in unity without compromise of the Scripture.

Community Blog Online: Okay, just a quick oddball question, that I think would be fun for our readers to know.  What’s the food like on campus?

Ellerslie Training: (laughter).  I’m happy to declare that our food program is sensational.  We have our own kitchen and a tremendously creative and talented troupe of chefs.  We wouldn’t want anyone coming to Ellerslie just for the food, but, I guess, we wouldn’t blame someone for considering it.

Community Blog Online: It’s been a wonderful conversation with you this afternoon.

Ellerslie Training: Thank you for giving us this opportunity to share our passion for our Ellerslie Training program.

Each year, hundreds of Christians from around the globe attend Ellerslie Training in Windsor, Colorado. The majestic scenery offered by the Rocky Mountains is a perfect location for growth and rejuvenation.