How Direct Media Power Goes Above and Beyond

Direct Media Power

Direct Media Power

Direct Media Power specializes in radio ads, crafting effective media campaigns for its client. What sets them apart, however, is its attention to each client’s unique marketing needs. Direct Media Power sees a marketing project through from the beginning, personally directing ad placement with its own industry contacts across the country. Below, Direct Media Power President Dean Tucci answers questions about how the team at Direct Media Power goes above and beyond.

Q: How is Direct Media Power able to offer such low prices?

A: We have a large network of media outlets on which we place ads on a weekly basis. Because of this, Direct Media Power is able to enjoy significant cost savings that we pass on to our customers.

Q: Does Direct Media Power contract with other companies for services?

A: We directly oversee each customer’s campaign, from writing the scripts to placing the ads. This includes hiring voice talent and producing the spot.

Q: How has Direct Media Power created such good relationships in the radio industry?

A: In the past five years, we’ve placed more than $50 million in ads. Direct Media Power doesn’t contract with purchasing agents to place these ads. We do this ourselves, which allows us to be “in the know” on the climate of a particular radio station and its listeners. That is the type of information we pass on to our clients.

Q: How long does it take to start seeing results?

A: Once you initiate the process with Direct Media Power, we’ll get right to work. Within 24 hours, a client usually has a business plan that will outline everything we’ll do for you.

Q: What if I’m on a budget?

A: In your initial phone call to Direct Media Power, we can discuss expectations and the budget you’ve set aside.

Q: Does Direct Media Power do other forms of marketing?

A: We focus solely on radio advertising, which has allowed us to become extremely proficient. The connections we’ve been able to make in the industry keep our prices low and provide targeted results to our clients. We believe in doing one thing and doing it extremely well.

Q: How will I know my campaign will be successful?

A: We know some customers have trepidations about any kind of marketing campaign, and so we offer a small cash test to new customers. Direct Media Power simply places your message on a local radio station or one of our radio networks and works with you to determine where to go next.

With a client base that includes credit counseling companies, the legal community, and many more, Direct Media Power is a powerhouse in the radio ad placement industry. To learn how Direct Media Power can help increase exposure for your business, visit our website at or call 1-888-302-5557.