ANY LAB TEST NOW Tests for Vitamin Deficiencies



With so many Americans working indoors 40-50 hours each week it can be difficult for many to naturally receive the vitamins that they need, to combat fatigue or depression. ANY LAB TEST NOW offers assistance by providing testing so you can see if you are suffering from vitamin deficiencies including Vitamin D and B12.

Vitamin D is commonly known as the “sunshine” vitamin, because the sun’s rays help the body to produce it naturally. According to ANY LAB TEST NOW, if an individual is home bound or outside infrequently, he or she can be at risk for a Vitamin D deficiency. Other individuals possibly at risk include vegetarians and those who suffer from milk allergies.

People who feel “down,” depressed or tired could be experiencing these symptoms due to a B12 deficiency. A lack of B12 can make a person lose their appetite and it can cause diarrhea as well, according to ANY LAB TEST NOW. A less obvious symptom is lack of concentration or focus. Results from testing done at ANY LAB TEST NOW can provide a patient with the information about his or her vitamin levels so that a doctor can diagnose the cause of these problems and recommend treatment, if needed.