Month: February 2014

Entrepreneur James Cullem Talks Intellectual Property Strategy

Recently, the staff of Community Blog Online sat down for a conversation with life sciences entrepreneur James Cullem regarding successful strategies for developing and managing a company’s intellectual property. Community Blog Online: How does intellectual property (IP) fit into the overall mission of a start-up company? James Cullem: Intellectual property (patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, […]

Major Philanthropic Gifts Enjoyed Comeback in 2013

Philanthropy made a major resurgence in 2013, with the wealthiest U.S. donors dedicating more than $3.4 billion to charitable causes. The Chronicle of Philanthropy recently tallied the top 10 gifts of the last year. Analysis found that donors shared more gifts of at least $100 million or more than in 2012. In 2013, there were […]

Categories: General

Weather Shield Windows and Doors Offers Premium Quality Architectural Windows with Design Flair

As an additional service to their valued customers, Weather Shield Windows and Doors strives to alleviate the pressure and stress of purchasing new windows. The team at Weather Shield Windows and Doors understands that the vast array of options can be overwhelming at first. In the following interview, Weather Shield Windows and Doors recently shared […]